ADHD Counseling

Learn how your mind works so that you can feel more calm, productive, and play to your unique ADHD strengths.


Is Your Ability To Focus Unpredictable?

Do you find it challenging to concentrate throughout the day?

Does thinking about the boring or difficult stuff you have to do fill you with dread?

Are looming deadlines beginning to mount, causing you to feel overwhelmed and ashamed?

You may have trouble getting started on mundane tasks, such as doing chores, getting organized, or paying bills.

But when it comes to the stuff you LOVE—or something URGENT, INTERESTING or CHALLENGING—you can suddenly focus for hours and be super productive. 

This inconsistent ability to pay attention is a defining trait of Attention Deficient Disorder/Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD). And it is frustrating and baffling when you experience it!

You know you are smart, but because your ability to focus fluctuates throughout the day, you never know if your abilities will show up when you need them

ADD Affects People In Various Ways

Many people experience symptoms of ADD/ADHD. However, the type and severity of symptoms vary from person to person.

Some common ways ADD/ADHD can show up in adults are: 

  • You put things off until the last minute because of dread, paralysis or insufficient planning.

  • You feel like you’re chronically behind schedule because you lose track of time or forget where you put your keys or parked your car.

  • You are more sensitive than others to your environment, emotions or criticism.

  • You feel like you can’t relax because you’re worried about your lack of productivity and all the things you still need to do.

  • Your loved ones complain about your clutter, over-commitment or follow-through.

  • You may ask yourself, How does everyone else seem to do it just fine and lead consistent, balanced lives? 

If you have ADD/ADHD, you may also struggle to see yourself clearly (even if you are good at reading others). This can make it hard to tell how you are doing, feeling or affecting others. It can also make identifying the symptoms of ADD/ADHD within yourself seem difficult at times, especially without the proper help.

The anxiety that develops from not understanding your mind can lead to frequent feelings of overwhelm, paralysis and self-doubt.

I can offer guidance to help you overcome the sense of frustration and anxiety that you may feel. Together, we’ll find ways to improve your productivity and manage the impact of ADHD symptoms in your life.

To find out more about how I can help you, contact me or read more about the ADHD brain below.

There Are Many Who Experience The Challenges Of ADHD

ADD/ADHD occurs in approximately 1 out of 25 adults in our country. Of these individuals, it is believed that about 90 percent live every day with symptoms that are left untreated. 

ADHD symptoms can sometimes go undetected until later in life when our days become less structured or our life gets more complicated. Suddenly, we may feel like we can’t juggle everything.

Or we may feel like we’re not good enough because we don’t measure up to our own or others’ expectations. These messages can lead us to internalize feelings of failure or inadequacy

It is easy for those of us with ADHD to feel insufficient like there is something wrong with our brain. But just because we struggle or certain people fail to understand us does not mean that we are flawed.  

Our Unique Traits Mean That Our Minds Just Work Differently

You have nothing to feel ashamed about. People are diverse and those of us with ADHD regulate attention and emotions in unique ways that differ from the average individual. 

While these differences can create challenges and distresswhen they are not recognized and addressed—they can also be the source of valuable strengthswhen you learn what to look for and how to harness these strengths

There is a high degree of creative thinkers, innovators, and executives who have varying levels of ADD/ADHD. Your ADHD superpowers give you important qualities for success. 

But to thrive with ADD/ADHD, you need to have a thorough understanding of these qualities, challenges, and strengths. As someone who has firsthand experience with the challenges and gifts of ADD, I understand how demanding it can feel to manage certain traits and how hard it is to identify your own strengths. 

My goal in therapy is to help you learn how your mind works and provide you with the tools needed to get things done, regulate your mood and emotions, and improve your confidence and relationships.

You can learn more about my approach to ADHD treatment below or contact me to ask questions about your needs or schedule a free consultation.

My Online Counseling Services Can Help You Discover How Your Beautiful Brain Functions

In recent years, an emerging neurodiversity movement has recognized that there is a wide variety of brain differences that exists in humans and these differences are normal and healthy (not problems to be “fixed” or “cured”). As a result, many of us find it easier to discuss our trials, embrace our strengths and see the ADHD brain as a unique kind of mind rather than a deficit.

That said, many people—even many mental health professionals—still don’t understand how to work with the ADHD brain. This is why it is essential to speak to an expert that specializes in ADHD treatment

My online counseling services aim to give you some time to breathe and a place where you can feel free from judgment and reveal your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and goals. 

Our initial consultation will consist of a short call to explore your needs, concerns, and goals. If you find that my services, style, and background match what you are looking for, then we will move forward with scheduling your first session. If not, I will do what I can to point you in the right direction to find the relief you desire.

What To Expect In ADHD Therapy

I draw from a research-driven, healing-oriented, solution-focused, and strength-based approach to ADHD treatment, using a range of tools and strategies, particularly: 

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): this method is particularly effective because it relies on how your brain processes and stores information, giving you the chance to discover and heal from the deep-rooted trauma, anxiety, and self-limiting thoughts that could be intensifying your ADD/ADHD symptoms. EMDR can also help you improve your ability to regulate difficult emotions, integrate ADHD strategies in your life, and work through stuck points.

  • AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy): this approach harnesses the safety and power of the therapeutic relationship to help you heal from suffering, work through emotional wounds, and make the most out of opportunities for growth and transformation. 

  • ADD/ADHD Skills: for people with ADD/ADHD, it is essential to learn new strategies that work with your unique brain. We’ll help you learn specific skills to tackle ADD/ADHD challenges with procrastination, overwhelm, organization, time management, impulsivity, relationships and motivation. We’ll also help you learn to identify and play to your ADHD strengths. This way, you can capitalize on what you do best and increase the times when you feel engaged, productive and energized.

  • DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): to further your awareness and improve upon practical skills to better manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, we can also incorporate skills from DBT or CBT.  

Having worked with ADHD clients in long-term counseling since 2014, along with 20 years of experience learning about these conditions, I understand the ins and outs of ADD/ADHD and would love to help you do the same. 

Together, we will help you gain the insight and healing that you need to embrace your uniqueness and thrive with greater self-acceptance.

If you have questions or are ready to get started, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d be happy to answer your questions or we can schedule a free phone consultation so you tell me about your needs and get a sense if we’re a good fit to work together.

Perhaps You’re Considering ADHD Therapy But Still Have Some Lingering Concerns…

Counseling just doesn’t seem to work for me.

There could be a variety of reasons why ADD/ADHD treatment hasn’t worked for you in the past:

  • The clinicians that you’ve sought counsel from may not have been as well-versed in treating ADD/ADHD as you may have needed.

  • Or maybe your therapist’s background, personality, or style may not have been a good fit for you.

  • In addition to therapy, some people need medication, supplements or lifestyle changes before they can make progress. These things can balance the mind and level the neurological playing field by improving your attention span and emotional sensitivity.

  • It also takes time and consistency to heal and make real changes. I always recommend that people stick with the process of therapy long enough to see results.

Together, we will determine which methods best accommodate your goals so that you can gain the confidence to help yourself move forward.

I’m busy and therapy is an extra expense.

It’s true therapy is a both a time commitment and financial investment. I regularly hear from current and past clients that they got a lot out of it, and it was definitely worth it!

Many people invest in their education, career, home, and physical health in hopes of improving their future success and quality of life. Therapy with a professional who is a good fit for your needs and goals is an equally important investment, and it has the potential to create long-term positive impacts for your future relationships, work, health, and even finances.

Some of the benefits my clients report experiencing from therapy are:

  • Greater self-confidence and trust in their abilities because they understand how their mind works and know how to adjust their approach to succeed at home and work.

  • Relief from prolonged suffering and emotional pain.

  • The ability to see and take advantage of new opportunities.

  • Deeper intimacy and connection in relationships, even ones they thought were permanently damaged by conflict and hurt.

My practice offers online ADHD counseling services so that it is easy to fit any lifestyle. I conduct my sessions via teleconference, so you don’t have to worry about scheduling extra time to commute or fight traffic.

Let Me Guide You On Your Journey For Consistent Mental Relief

If you’re ready to break the concerning patterns of overwhelm and shame that ADD/ADHD has brought on, then I encourage you to take the first step in finding true healing

For inquiries about my practice, please visit my contact page or click on the button below to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation call. I look forward to hearing from you!